Today Is Your Chance To Help Save Our Country

Please consider donating to Flag Research, LLC. We are a company on the front lines everyday working to help restore our country back to what our founders intended.

We are not politicians, we are patriots!

 We are the "boots on the ground" helping educate our nation about our true history that makes us great.

Your donation will go towards our endless pursuit to help constitutional patriots, locally or nationally, running for office. Local & national outreach, online marketing, print materials and everything it takes to raise awareness and win. 

Organizations Like:
Make America Great Again Inc
& Others
America can be saved, but we need your help! 

The next election is going to be here quickly and time is running out!

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    $25 - Private First Class
    $50 - Lance Corporal
    $100 - Corporal
    $250 - Sergeant
    $500 - Gunnery Sergeant
    $1,000 - Master Sergeant
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